Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Culture Fashion

Provost Liz Grobsmith sparkles at the Take a Seat table.

Symphony stylistas
  I took my mom to last Friday's Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra event.  It was a special concert that showcased the very best of our local talent; Louise Scott (violin,) Mary DiBartolo (cello,) Rebecca Kemper Scarnati (oboe,) Kent Moore (bassoon,) and David Vining (trombone) all soloed, and Jon Eder was the guest conductor.  The concert was held in honor of the late Joel DiBartolo, jazz musician extraordinaire, and his colleague, Bruce Reiprich, composed a special piece for him.

It was a great concert to show off FSO to my mom, visiting from Colorado.  I welled up with a wee bit of Flagstaff pride--and I told my mom that there is a certain style standard that symphony-goers have to live up to.  This fashion pride for my hometown is a feeling that has been rising within me more and more lately.  When I was at the New Year's Eve Pine Cone Drop this year with my son, I thought I would burst with love for my town.  The "drop" is such a unique celebration, funky and cool.  And then I looked around and saw people who were bundled up and still looked fantastic, with that same kind of unique expression.  (You can be warm, and still look cute!)

   FSO concerts are always a special fashion event that call for breaking out the hats, sparkly jackets, and velvet scarves.  The ladies who hold season tickets seem to have the angle on it.  (See pictures above for Liz Grobsmith and other fashionistas who rock the casbah with their symphony duds.)

  So it brings me to an essential question.  We mountain-town people, who love our UGGS and warm North Face jackets, need to be somewhat respectful of the weather and our environment.  If we can pull off fancy duds that are stylish AND practical, isn't that an artform in and of itself?  Don't we deserve more fashion nods than the girls who wear the 6-inch stillettos?  I mean, aren't we more creative, dare I say...smarter?!

  I'm not sure of the answer, but I love going to the symphony for both the music and the styles.

Me and Mom.

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